Our busy little Ryleigh-Roo. Its hard to believe you are one year old today. 12 months ago you were the smallest at 3 lb 8.8 oz and remain the smallest today at just over 18 pounds. You were born the tallest at 17 1/4 inches and have kept pace with your brothers from a height perspective thus far.
The day we went to get an ultrasound and find out genders, we knew we would be happy no matter the results. Of course, when the first two were declared 'boys', I started to get very nervous! I remember a definite feeling of relief and joy that there would be at least one little girl. During my pregnancy, you were the most active. Being the one on top of the pile, your movements were very distinct and constant. And you have not stopped moving since you were born. Even in the hospital incubator, you would stretch yourself out and break free of the blankets (like in the picture above). Like your brothers, you struggled with apneas and bradys (pauses in breathing and drop in heart rate) which is why you were in the hospital for a few extra days than your brothers, approximately 40 days in total. It seemed like as soon as they left, you were anxious to get out of there yourself and it was only 2 days later before you joined them at home.
Like your brothers, you thrived once you got home. At first, you were able to share a crib with them but you tended to like having the bassinet by yourself when you were all staying in Mom and Dad's room at first.
You were the first to do most things, including saying 'Ma-Ma', crawling and standing up. We were honestly shocked when you weren't the one to take the first step, and in fact were the last. Since we introduced real food you have been the most adventurous, including a dill pickle as you can see below. Of course that includes anything and everything you find on the floor. It has become our nightly tradition that you assume your position underneath Austin's chair at dinner time as that is usually where you tend to find a decent buffet each evening.
Like Gabe, you love your pacifier. For the most part, you only use it during nap and bedtime but if you happen to see Gabe wandering around with it, it isn't long before you crawl over and pop it out of his mouth and into yours. He generally will return the favor and this will continue until someone drops it and you both forget about it.
Like your brothers, you have four teeth. You all got the bottom two first (in the same order) and then the top two. You were the first to get a tooth and the last to get the fourth tooth.
You have such a cute personality. In the NICU the nurses noticed how aware and alert you were, even as a newborn preemie. You would look around for long periods of time, while most preemies just sleep. The nurses noticed how you liked attention and checking things out. In the first couple months (and even to this day), if you are upset and crying, someone looking your way will get you to smile from ear to ear - just happy to have attention. You enjoy playing with your siblings sometimes, but are also very independent and like to play with toys by yourself. You don't appreciate when your siblings take your toys away from you, which is usually exactly what they try to do when they play by you. Since they are bigger, they can usually steal toys away from you but you are becoming more determined to prevent that from happening. You now move toys away from your siblings reach more quickly, and if that doesn't work, you scream loudly and someone comes to the rescue.

You seem to really appreciate music. Whenever a musical toy is turned on or a song comes on, you will bob your head. You also really enjoy climbing the stairs. Unlike with Austin or even your brothers, you can't crawl past them without trying to go up. You quickly learned how to get up, and then realized you couldn't get down, so you would just cry till someone rescued you. As a result of your fascination with the stairs, we had to block off all the stairs which we never had to do with Austin.
About two months ago you discovered the many uses of your pointer finger. You now use it to feel things and pick up things, especially food. While your siblings usually grab things with their whole hand, you take your time to use just your pointer and thumb. You enjoy picking up the tiniest things- even pieces of hair you find on the carpet. You have motivated us to clean up more and more.
Physically, you are very different from your brothers and definitely all girl. Your eyes are lighter blue than their eyes and you have Nana's long second toe. You also have a very unique cry which gets the exact responses you want. And you use it too. In the last couple months you have used it to get your own bedroom as you kept waking up your brothers with it and you have also used it to get Mom's attention (or alert others that you would prefer Mom). You have become quite the Mama's girl and are getting a reputation for it as well!
Recently after your baths or getting food cleaned out of your hair (because you love touching your hair when eating), I realized the bottom of your hair looked curly. And it has become curlier with each passing day. I think it is so adorable. I'm excited you might have wavy hair like mine. Your brothers appear to have very straight hair so far.
Ryleigh, I love you so much and am so proud to be your mama. You are such a cute baby and I have loved every moment with you during your first year. I look forward to the lifetime ahead!