The babies will turn 12 weeks old tomorrow.
We've also reached the point where they have been home as many days as they were in the hospital.
As of Friday, they weighed as follows:
Gabe 8 lbs, 10 ozs (gained 15 ozs in 14 days since last doctor appt)
Cayden 8 lbs, 6 ozs (gained 11 ozs in 14 days)
Ryleigh 8 lbs, 3 ozs (gained 13 ozs in 14 days)
This past weekend we reduced the number of feedings from 7 to 6 and increased the amount at each feeding to 4 ounces. Give or take 15 minutes, they eat at 830am, 1230pm, 430pm, 830pm, 1230am and 430am. They have taken to the change well.
Night times have been much, much better the last few days, as we have worked hard to make sure they have been awake more during the day. A book we read talked about all babies going through a difficult period that lasts two weeks anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks old. The author refers to it as "The Storm."
We don't remember this from Austin, but we definitely had some thunder and lightning with the triplets. Thank goodness we had overnight help with Chris for two weeks and Kelly for two weeks to help weather the storn. Court's mom also spent a couple weeks with us in July and is always such a huge help. Couple that with a lot of help from Court's dad, my mom and dad, all our siblings, various great aunts and many of our neighbors and friends......and...... we are keeping our heads above water.
We were treated to some awesome home made meals the last few weeks from Aunt Lois, the Kriskos, the Hensleys, Grandma Stangel, and the Fox's. As Austin finishes the main course, he has taken to hollering for "Dessert!' as someone always seems to have baked something tasty for us.
Courtney and I were even able to leave the house and go to dinner together for the first time on the 16th, as the Klopfensteins came over and watched the triplets and Austin for a couple hours to give us a much needed sanity break.
We are still working on potty training with Austin. He has amassed quite the collection of pee stickers and will go in the potty a few times a day. A friendly warning from him regarding impending #2's still eludes us usually though. He did go one time in the potty though. In addition to holding babies, he also has moved on to helping hold bottles and participating in the burping function....and, just yesterday, he was happy to jam a pacifier in his brothers mouths when they started to cry.
Finally, the trips were baptized yesterday. Everything went well......I will save details and pictures from that for another post this week.
Here are a few pictures from recent weeks......
Cayden, Ryleigh |
Various babies |
The Quiet after the Storm |