It is hard to believe that 6.5 months have gone by. The babi3s are really growing and starting to develop their own personalities.

Cayden is the biggest, having achieved 14 pounds 1 ounce as of his 6 month check up on the 9th of November. He will play with rattles and jump around in the exersaucer but is all business when it comes to napping - which might be how he is the biggest. He is especially good at taking naps in the van, the only one Austin can't seem to wake up with his shouting out things we are passing ('Field!') . Cayden is ready to chat at any moment, and won't hesitate to chat with his toys if no one else is around. He is also fascinated by the tv - I think we have found our next couch potato! At first, Cayden didn't seem to like cereal but he has really taken to it now, if you can get him to stop chatting long enough to eat a few bites :) We have been practicing sitting the last few weeks but Cayden is far more interested in standing. Even when it is bath time, he is trying to stand!

Gabe is pretty easy going and was 13 pounds 12 ounces at the last check up. He loves to smile. He will smile the second you look at him with this half smile that highlights the dimple he got from his Dad. Watch out ladies, he is cute and he knows it! Gabe has always seemed to like cereal - darting forward in his chair everytime he sees a spoonfull coming (which makes a giant mess). Of course, he often wants to smile at you too, again making a giant mess. One of Gabe's favorite activities is the exersaucer. He loves to jump and gets his legs going so fast that it looks hilarious - and he finds it very funny too!
Ryleigh has the most personality of all of the triplets and was 13 pounds 5 ounces. She finds it difficult to squeeze daytime naps in while trying to make sure she misses nothing that is going on. Recently she has taken to squealing in order to get attention. As soon as you look her way, she breaks into a wide grin. Even if Ryleigh ends up being a tom-boy, we know she has some girl in her! Unfortunately she has picked up one of her Dad's traits - once we switched to all formula a week ago, she has become very spitty. But don't worry, it doesn't slow her down anymore than it did her big brother when he was a baby. Austin has taken to dancing and playing for the babi3s. Ryleigh will laugh and giggle at his antics - she finds him hysterical.
There seems to be an odd connection between Gabe and Ryleigh in particular. If one cries out, the other one puckers his bottom lip and cries shortly thereafter (unless Dad intercedes and says 'put that lip in there'!). Same with laughter - if ones giggles, usually that gets the other one going. Cayden will sometimes join in on the crying or laughing but it takes him a little longer to react to those two. The only exception to this observation is at night when the boys are too busy sleeping to pay Ryleigh's cries any attention. I figure they have reacted all day and are worn out from all her daytime cries :-)
Overall they have been amazing babi3s. Knock on wood, we have had a few nights when everyone has been able to sleep till at least 7:30 am (from about 8 pm) without needing to be consoled. It is hard for Jon and I to figure out how we got here - and definitely don't know how we got so lucky! We have both had the opportunity to be alone with all four kids in the last few weeks. It is quite a sense of accomplishment to be able to say you can take care of all of them on your own. Of course, we better know how since they are our kids! They definitely have a super Dad, who can handle four kids at once and is willing to do that often so mom can spend some time with friends.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to say a special thank you to all the friends and families who have helped us with meals, bottles, cleaning, words of encouragement, and time to get out of the house. We have been incredibly blessed with all the support and could not have come this far and be as sane as we are without it. Thank you!