The triplets, now known around our house as "The Littles", turn two years old today. We thought we would bring the blog back to life to commemorate. Looking back, there have been a lot of changes in each of these three the last year.
RYLEIGH - Still most often called Rye or Roo, Ryleigh continued to show the most personality as she marches towards two years old. Rye likes to put her little index finger to her lip, in a pensive manner, as she is constantly pondering her next move. You can see her little mind just a spinning as she moves to her adventure.
Rye shocked us when in late November, she settled down on the potty and proceeded to go pee. A few times a day she will try to go, and about 50% of the time she is successful. She especially enjoys her "potty lesssons" with Austin where early evening they wil disappear into the bathroom and he will provide her meaningful guidance as to what to do. This lesson usually ends with a lot of water on the floor after they wash their hands. It is funny to watch, because Austin takes it oh so seriously, barking out directions.

Ryleigh is best at following directions and understanding what we are trying to tell her. She probably falls in the middle in terms of speaking, more clear than Gabe, but not as strong as Cayden. She still adores shoes and clothes. When Courtney introduces her to a new outfit, she sprouts the biggest smile and blushes red from the overwhelming excitement. The last few months, when you are changing Rye's diapers, she intermittently commands "powder" or "cream". But to Roo, it is not just cream, it is "Keeeem !", which for some reason, makes me laugh every darn time.
Roo is the last of the three still in a crib. She has taken a few naps in a bed, but seems to be still okay with a crib. The difficult transition (and by difficult transition I mean absolute. living. hell.) (more on that later), has made us not so eager to move her to bed. Rye developed into a much better sleeper the last year, she is usually the first asleep at night, and is pretty good about not waking up before 7:00.......most days. Of course, some nights she can lay in bed talking to herself..."mama" "dada" "bunny" "bunny" for two hours. "Bunny" might mean "Barney"...we are not certain.
Ryleigh and Austin play the best together. We don't hesitate to send those two up to the train room together to play. Introducing one of the boys though, usually results in a train up somebody's head. She most assuredly takes after and tries to mimic and impress her older brother. When Austin developed an unusual fixation in pointing out and discovering his toejam, it wasn't but a few days before Rye would sit on the floor, take off her socks, pick at her toes, and mutter "jam".... "jam."
Rye has a sweet tooth. She likes her "num nums", as she likes to call them. She is a pretty good eater overall, not letting the extra hurdle of sitting between her brothers and getting picked on and prodded much of the meal.
Roo is more shy than Cayden and Gabe, but is getting better about quickly warming up to strangers, or family she hasn't seen in awhile. Instead of screaming, she will get real close to mom or dad, and peak around the corner, flashing her big smile, until she determines it is safe. Rye reminds me of my other favorite girl more and more each day, both in looks and mannerisms.
Moreso than the boys, Rye still likes to be held quite a bit as she lets you know "Up". There is no better feeling in the world, than grabbing Roo a little after 8:00pm, having her bury her head in my neck as we make our climb up the stairs, singing our little bed-time song, getting my good night kiss, and softly laying her down to sleep for the night. I love you Rye, Happy Birthday from Dad.