Friday, February 24, 2012

The road to recovery....

Austin's surgery was a success on Wednesday.  He will wear an eye patch for the next few days as his eye recovers.  The doctors were able to remove the 3/4 inch cyst from the corner of his eye as well as the mole on his head with no problems.   There were fears the head surgery might have to be done a second time, but they were able to get it all in one shot.    He was a very good boy throughout the day, and the nurses/doctors were impressed with how brave he was. 

He did get sick to his stomach a few times during recovery so we ended up being at the hospital for about 8 hours total, making for a long day.    Might have been the anethesia, or the popsicles and 7-up he slammed down when he was finally able to eat/drink something after 20 hours without.

Austin was given Versed prior to being taken back to surgery.  Versed is a benzodiazepine, a drug that causes relaxation, sleepiness and can cause a partial or complete loss of memory during the use of the drug. This is the third or fourth time I think he has been administered this in his short life.   Although it is always a serious situation, he is an absolute riot for the 15 or 20 minutes from when he takes the drug until he is taken back for surgery, or in a few cases, a CT scan.  His speech slows down to about 50% speed, he gets the giggles, and he starts giving us a favorite hits medley of everything important in his life, namely his trains, various books, and a few select toys.  Every two minutes or so he will also stop and loudly exclaim, "It's dark in here,".....even though we are in a bright room at the time. 

On a side note, Kettering Hospital has the best darn cafeteria I have ever come across.   Courtney and I had a delicious meal that would not have to take a back seat to many fine Dayton restaurants.  I was surprised by the incredulous looks I received from the cashier when I inquired about whether a reservation was needed for Saturday nights, as I had hoped to take Courtney back there for our anniversary.  Oh well.......

Here are some pictures of our little man.....

Our pirate.....

stitches on his head

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