Cayden had his butt hooked up to oxygen again yesterday to promote healing (and just a little laughter I suppose). I imagine this picture will get pulled out at opportune times in the future (prom, wedding, etc.). I think he is destined to be class clown. Cayden is still on oxygen for breathing as well, as he is struggling with some central apneas. He began taking caffeine Saturday again to help with that. He will need to be off the caffeine, and have the apneas end (as well as meet other milestones) to be discharged. It would appear he will be at MVH for a few weeks yet.
Wait....what? |
Ryleigh is doing fine. Some feedings she does really well, others she is tired and needs more of the gavage. She doesnt have the butt problems that the boys do though. I think her plan is to hang out a little while yet to make sure Cayden is ok and has company.
Picture of a picture |
And there is Gabe.....He was moved to open air yesterday with the thought he may be able to come home tomorrow (Monday). However, he had a breathing event mid-afternoon that could impact that plan. It will depend on how things go between now and Monday.
Free at at last |
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