Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Big Brother

Big brother Austin is having surgery tomorrow morning.  He has had a quarter sized spot on his head since birth that appears to be a birthmark, but the doctors actually call it a mole of some sort.  They have suggested having it removed before it causes problems later on.  Since he is already going to be under, we figured why not throw in a second surgery.  He also has a good-sized growth in the corner of his eye that gives the appearance of a blocked tear duct.  It's not that, but instead termed a orbital dermoid cyst.  He will have that removed as well.  

Courtney went to great lengths to coordinate two surgeries at the same time to save her little boy from going through two separate traumatic events.  I would have never even thought it possible, but she made it happen after many phone calls, consultations and appointments.

We will head to Kettering Hospital tomorrow morning at 9:00am for the 11:00am procedures.   He will be able to come home tomorrow after recovery.  He is not allowed to eat or drink after midnight, so we kept him up until 10:00pm for a Thomas/Chuggington/Sesame Street marathon.   Hopefully that will make the morning go better.

It has been about two years since he had surgery in May 2010 to remove part of his lung as a result of the bronchopulmonary sequestration issue he had.  Although he is a healthy kid, it is amazing the odd surgeries he has had to have in his 2 3/4 years.   Makes us appreciate how blessed we have been in that regard with the triplets.         

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