Friday, September 16, 2011

Is this thing still on??

The triplets will be four and a half months old this weekend.  Their belated 4 month check up was Monday, and they weighed in as follows:

Gabe  11 lbs, 6 ozs
Cayden, 11 lbs, 6 ozs
Ryleigh, 10 lbs, 11 ozs

They are all healthy with no major concerns by the doctor. 

The boys have now joined their sister in sharing many smiles.  There is also frequent cooing amongst the three of them.  They have all rolled over, with the slimmer Ryleigh the most frequent.

6oz-7oz Bottles are now given at 800am, noon, 400pm, and 800pm.
They get a 3.5 oz bottle in the middle of the night anywhere between 4:00am-5:00am. 

Courtney took some video of the babies and Austin yesterday while I was at work.  The highlight was Austin climbing on top of the TV stand (who is in charge when I'm not home?) and at one point falling off pretty loudly and out of sight, but unhurt.  As Austin witnessed this on video, he got a tremendous look of concern on his face and pointed to the TV and exclaimed, "He got hurt....he got hurt."  It took several minutes to explaiin to him that the little boy was okay....and, indeed, the little boy was him.  I suddenly don't find him to be so smart.

Gabe and Ryleigh had their longest stretch between bottles last night....making it from 7:45 to 5:30am  I guess that could be considered making it through the night, but we are waiting until they make it to 8:00 a.m. to declare that.

We are taking Austin to Lebanon, Ohio this morning to take a ride on a real life Thomas the Tank Engine.  He has been looking forward to it, and we are happy to be able to get away for a few hours with just him for some extra attention.   

Have a great weekend !

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