Friday, September 30, 2011

Sleeping like Babies

In the day or two after the last update, the early, early morning bottle was successfully eliminated for all babies.  A typical night is usually as follows 90% of the time:
  • Last bottle starts at 7:45pm, and all babies asleep in their cribs by 8:45pm
  • Anywhere from 3:30am to 4:30am - Cayden and/or Gabe cry out and need turned from their backs to their bellies, but are back asleep in minutes.  There was a period of 5 or 6 days where it was so consistent, it was scary, 4:28, 4:30, 4:32, 4:29, etc.
  • Anywhere from 6:00am -7:15am - Ryleigh is the first awake and in need of some attention.  
They have followed Austin's lead in being great sleepers for us.   Although we worked really, really hard in getting them on the above schedule, with much pain along the way, we know we are very lucky.   This is reinforced any time we talk to other parents of infants and hear some of the horror stories.   The book "12 Hours Sleep by 12 Weeks Old" by Suzy Giordano was a great resource for us.   I'd recommend it to anyone having trouble getting their infant to sleep through the night.  Many great principles to consider, even if all aren't implemented.   

While the above may make it sound pretty easy, the hours of 6:00pm - 7:45pm are generally pretty, uh, challenging.  The triplets take the opportunity each night at this time to let us know they are still running the show. A lot of fussing, whining and crying during this time frame is normal as they wind their day down and wait on their last bottle.  This time period usually coincides with Austin's second wind for the day which just adds to the fun.  

We haven't weighed the babies in a few weeks, but I'm certain each are between 11.5 and 12.5 pounds.  We will get some official results tomorrow morning. 

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