Wednesday, July 13, 2011

10 weeks old

The triplets turned 10 weeks old yesterday.

We had a doctor appointment on Friday morning, and they weighed as follows

Gabe  7 lbs, 11 ozs  (gained 18 ozs in 17 days)
Cayden  7 lbs, 11 ozs (gained 21 ozs in 17 days)
Ryleigh   7 lbs, 6 ozs (gained 21 ozs in 17 days)

1+ oz a day is very good growth and the doctor was pleased.

Everyone is doing well health-wise. Gabe is the most trouble.  Each of the triplets are taking vitamins twice a day, fortified with iron, which is needed because of their prematurity.  The iron appears to make them constipated.  There is a lot of grunting and several days often elapse between BM's.  Gabe has struggled moreso than the others and is very uncomfortable / fussy at times.  We are working on some things to try and help him feel better. 

Their new night time feeding schedule includes delicious meals at 800pm, midnight, 400am and 800am.
They haven't taken to the new schedule as well as the last change, and usually are ready to eat 15-30 minutes prior to the scheduled time.  As we are not running a buffet, we hope in a few more days they will be transitioned to the new schedule.

Thanks to the Knostmans, Aunt Carrie, Grandma Stangel, the Hittepoles, the Dellers, the Burgassers, the Storchs, Aunt Nancy and the Ameys for providing some delicious meals in the last two weeks.  In addiiton, we received several meals from Courtney's friends in the Tri-State Multiples group. As you might guess, this is families/moms of twins, triplets, etc.  Courtney has received a lot of support from several of the moms in the group before and after the triplets were born.   It has been helpful for her to have some contacts (and now friends) that have been through the same unique experiences.

Court's sister from Florida flew into town Saturday and is staying with us a big part of the next two weeks to help out. .

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