Monday, July 25, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Aunt Kelly

Court's sister Kelly headed back to Florida today after spending most of the last two weeks at our house helping us with the babies and Austin.  Kelly works at an animal conservancy in Florida.  She is used to taking care of turtles, fish, and snakes but transitioned quite nicely to three newborns and a two year old.   She said that feeding a baby is not much different than a turtle, just more burping.

Austin had a ball with his aunt the last few weeks, and can't wait for "Keckie"  to come back soon.

She gave up her relaxing vacation days to spend time in our non-relaxing environment and we are eternally grateful to the self proclaimed Baby Whisperer.  

Thanks Kelly !

1 comment:

  1. I loved being able to help out. I miss my Nugget and the little McNuggets :)
