Saturday, July 2, 2011

Latest Weights, Austin Update

As of Friday morning, unoffically, via the home scale:

Gabe  7 lbs, 5 ozs  (gained 12 ozs in 10 days)
Cayden  7 lbs, 2 ozs (gained 12 ozs in 10 days)
Ryleigh   6 lbs, 12 ozs (gained 11 ozs in 10 days)

We are very pleased they have continued to gain weight at 1+ oz a day under the slightly modified feeding program.  Next doctor appt is July 8 so hopefully they will keep up the weight gain and maybe we can stretch things out just a little further.    

Austin was very adamant about wanting to hold a baby tonight, so we gave it a shot.  He did great and was very calm and gentle and held Gabe on his own for several minutes.  This might be one of the best smiles we have ever captured on film-

Overall, Austin has done great with the trips.  He is without a doubt going through the terrible twos, but as far as the trips, he has been more interested and loving and has not shown any signs of jealousy or resentment.  He is a great kid with an amazing spirit that lights up our world as well as anyone he comes in contact with.  He has started to regain a lot of the independence he lost during the traumatic months of April and May when mom and dad had to spend a lot of time away from him.   The trips will always get extra attention because, well, they are triplets, but Austin will always be our first born and we have amazing memories of his first two years before being joined by the triumvirate.   God bless our little boy.

1 comment:

  1. This is adorable! Austin looks so happy and proud of himself!
