Thursday, June 30, 2011

40 weeks on Friday

The trips turned 8 weeks old on Tuesday.  Courtney's original due date of 40 weeks, July 1, is tomorrow.  While she failed to carry them to term, we still think she did pretty darn good.

Last weekend went well as we enjoyed an overnight stay from friends Jason and Lisa and their one year old Ryan.  They cooked us several meals, fed many bottles and entertained Austin.  It was like having a little mini-vacation. 

We have a lot of help in town this week with Court's mom returning on Sunday, and her good friend Chris beginning a two week stay on Monday.   Four adults for three newborns plus Austin levels the playing field........a bit.

The new feeding schedule is working out well and enables us to get just a bit more sleep. 
Each feeding is now anywhere  from 75 - 100 milliliters, or 2.5 to 3.25 ounces and takes 20 - 40 minutes. 

See some new pics below.  Yes, we have two triplet strollers...the side by side one is great for neighborhood walks so we can keep a close eye on all three, while the front to back works well when we need to pack up and go somewhere and are dealing with more compact spaces.  We of course get the awkward stares of amazement when we are out in public.  During our first stroller ride, we actually saw several cars pass by with the drivers mouthing the words, "Oh...My....God"

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