Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 10 - Date Night at the Hospital

Grandma and Grandpa Stangel came over to watch Austin so we could have a date night.  Our evening consisted of a great meal from Jay's Seafood - salad, crab cakes, shrimp, asparagus and chocolate cake for Courtney.  Courtney had wanted to eat at Jay's for quite a while.....all it took was carrying three babies for 31 weeks to make it happen. 

After dinner we were able to go outside in a wheelchair.  Although it felt a little weird at first to have Courtney push me, it had been a very stressful week at work, and admittedly, felt good to be catered to. 

We ended the night with a foot massage while listening/laughing to a just released CD from a comedian that we attended at end of September 2010.....a simpler time.....a much.....much....simpler time. 

Court's looking forward to several good friends that are slated to visit on Sunday, while Austin and Dad will be going to a First Communion for cousin Ella.

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