Saturday, April 23, 2011

Day 3: A Visit with Mommy

I took Austin to the hospital this morning to see Courtney for a couple hours.  He was very happy to see her, if not a little shy because of the new surroundings.  He delivered his Easter card, a chocolate bunny, and some peanut butter eggs to his mommy.   He spent much of his visit standing on a chair looking out the window and acknowledging the "big trucks" driving past.  He also managed to coat 60% of the floor with a layer of Honey Nut Cheerios. 

Courtney is doing well in her new room. The doctors were in this morning and told her the next time contractions start they won't work to stop them.  She is now 30 weeks + and the babies have had two rounds of steriods, so while still early, they are in a position to do well.  We hope they can make it another couple weeks, but we are ready whenever they are. 

Austin and I are heading to Aunt Carrie's for Easter and then he will be staying overnight with Aunt Leslie so I can go see Courtney later tonight and/or early tomorrow morning.

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