Thursday, April 21, 2011

Strike Three...Yer NOT Out (of the hospital?)

Today began early with another hospital run at 3:30am.  Courtney had the same issue as the last two times with her low lying placenta.   Our previous stays at Miami Valley Hospital were -

March 25 - March 26 one night
April 10 - April 13 three nights

Rumor is that the third such stay for a mother of multiples is usually a permanent one, the Three Strike Rule, so we shall see.  One ultrasound this morning and a lot of monitoring.  Babies appear ok, but mom is very tired and uncomfortable.  Baby C had a brief decelerating heart rate this morning when we first arrived, which was scary, but apparently not abnormal for multiples.  Hasn't seemed to be a problem since. 

Courtney had another round of steroids this morning to help the babies, and she is on Magnesium Sulfate to help slow the contractions down.   The worst part is she has been prevented from eating/drinking because of uncertainty about whether she could go into labor today.  Hopefully things stabilize so she can eat soon.  

It feels like the babies might be here for Easter.........

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