Friday, April 22, 2011

On the move

The docs were in.....Courtney will be transferred momentarily to a non-ICU room.  She will have a lot more freedom IV, and less interruptions by nurses.   They did seem to think it was likely she would be here for the duration.  It will be hard for her to be away from home and Austin, but it is the best thing for her, especially since the time between hospital stays has been decreasing.   We will make sure she gets plenty of visits from Austin, starting with tomorrow when I bring him to the hospital to celebrate Easter with mom.  We had to laugh when we thought this morning that the best thing for the triplets would be if Easter, Mother's Day and Memorial Day were all celebrated with her in the hospital.  I guess we will see.....

A couple people in the family that are under the weather that we hope feel better so they can enjoy Easter are Austin's Nana Sowers, and his little cousin Drew.  Hopefully they both feel better real soon. 

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