Thursday, April 21, 2011

Downgraded to tropical storm

Things have settled down quite a bit here.  The doctor was in at 3:00 and felt things looked well enough to allow courtney to eat/drink and reduce the monitoring of the babies from continuous to periodic.....and eat she did....after her 19 hour fasting.   Grilled chicken wrap, mashed potatoes, green beans....and she even convinced the food service lady to go rogue and sneak her a second ice cream.  (she actually only ate about 35% of the above, but I don't think the ice cream survived).

So, it doesn't appear for now the babies will be joining us tonight, but no promises, and no good idea when that might be.  To quote her doctor..."might be a couple more weeks, might be tomorrow."

Thanks to Austin's great aunt Maryann for coming over at 330am to watch Austin while we rushed out the door and for grandma/grandpa stangel and the doseck family for giving him shelter for the night and picking him up from daycare. 

We will spend the night nailing down middle names and spelling of first names.....

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