Wednesday, June 8, 2011

37 days later.....

The boys came home tonight!  Ryleigh had a good day and will hopefully be ready by the weekend to be released.

Cayden had an amazing day......he narrowly passed his hearing test, passed his car seat test, talked them into releasing him with Gabe, and oh, yeah, had his wee wee trimmed.  That is more than I do in some months.

Austin was great with his two them kisses, wanting Cayden to take a bath with him...comparing their evening milk sources.  He loved the toy trucks his brothers gave him.  I think we have some great video, but it will take some effort to get it uploaded.  Maybe by this weekend. 

Initial thoughts -
  • Gabe is a night owl, he is a few minutes away from not sleeping between his 8:00pm and 11:00pm feedings.
  • We are incredibly blessed that the shocking news we received 6 months ago ("There's three!"), and the many highs and lows since then, has ended with the boys coming home at 37 weeks, and hopefully baby sister a few days later.
  • This will be the challenge of a lifetime.

Mom saying see you soon to Ryleigh

Cayden saying lets get the heck out of here

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