Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Packing on the ounces

The babies were seven weeks old today and will be 39 weeks on Thursday.  Austin's birthday was yesterday and he received a lot of great gifts from family and friends that will help keep him busy in the weeks that follow. 

We had a doctor's appointment today, primarily to check weights, which were as follows-

Gabe  6 lbs, 9 ozs  (gained 6 ozs in a week)
Cayden  6 lbs, 6 ozs (gained 7 ozs in a week)
Ryleigh   6 lbs, 1 ozs (gained 6 ozs in a week)

Their doctor was very pleased with the weight gain and even thought we could stretch out the night time feeding just a bit.  My first submittal to Courtney of 800am, 1000am, noon, 200pm, 400pm, 600pm 1000pm was denied...with extreme prejudice.    Tonight is our first attempt with a slightly stretched out schedule, so we will see how it goes. 

Getting three babies fed, dressed and packed up to go to the doc in the morning, plus a two year old for daycare at the same time, is a major event as you might imagine.  Luckily, we have timed it just right the first two tries with minimal incident.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to hear everyone is happy and healthy!! Good job Courtney for being such a terrific mom (and dairy cow!) :) Can't wait to get up there in a few weeks!

    Aunt Kecky :)
