Saturday, June 4, 2011

Improving, in Triplicate

Yesterday was a very good day for the trips.  Cayden is feeling much better, is no longer on oxygen, no longer has an IV in his head, and even had his feeding tube removed.  Well, not exactly, he ripped the feeding tube out and they decided to not put it back in, giving him a chance to show he could survive on only bottle and breast feedings.  He has also been event free for a day or so.  He told me Friday during our visit that he feels like a new man, and was going to wander the halls of NICU Friday night to scope out the preemie chicks.      

Ryleigh also had her feeding tube removed no tubes for any babies.  Ryleigh has been eating well, and also has avoiding any measurable events for a day or so.  She continues to keep a watchful eye on her brothers.  She has developed quite a knack for pooping on dad's hand anytime he is changing her. 

Gabe is healing well from his circumcision, although there is look in his eyes indicating he has a lot of questions about the whole matter.  His smart monitor is scheduled to be downloaded on Tuesday, and if it reads well, and he avoids events between now and then, he might be able to come home then or shortly thereafter.  Undetermined how far behind his siblings will be, but as of today, it looks much shorter than just two days ago.

Courtney and I were able to go the hospital together for the 5:00 feeding yesterday.  It had been several weeks since that happened, as we try to go separately, to be there as much as possible, while also taking care of Austin.  Courtney was able to nurse each baby for 15+ minutes, with Gabe the champ at 25 minutes.

We ended the night with a great dinner at a hidden gem, Greenfire Bistro in Tipp City, wondering if this would be our last relaxing dinner together for the next couple years.

Cayden w/ no tubes

Gabe repping the 937

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