Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Miami County's Most Wanted

Justice was served swiftly today in a Miami County daycare....I took a call about 3:00 pm telling me that our little angel was suspended from daycare for the next three days.  He bit two kids which brought his cummulative total to greater than 12 bites, which in the daycare world means, SUSPENSION.  Sadly, I think the total of 12 is a pretty friendly count with consideration given to our unique situation.  Austin is getting his molars and anytime he teethes he tends to release his pain on the nearest flesh.  Discipline is tough because he hasn't been biting at home.  He did receive a stern talking to tonight and issued an "I'm Sorry" to both mom and dad. 

So, tomorrow his sentence will begin with a day spent hanging out with mom, grandma and cousin Taylor...maybe even a little swimming.  Lindsay Lohan should be so lucky......

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