Tuesday, August 9, 2011

14 weeks old

The trips turned 14 weeks old today.  They had a doctor appointment this morning and weighed as follows:

Gabe  9 lbs, 13 ozs 
Cayden  9 lbs
Ryleigh   9 lbs
They are not little preemies any more.

Austin went to the doctor Monday and wants the record to show that he weighted 27 pounds.

The doctor was pleased with the triplets progress and did not have any concerns.  They all still run in the lower percentiles for height and weight, even on a preemie adjusted schedule.  Austin was always in the lower percentiles for weight too.

Last weekend was rough, as Ryleigh was running a 103 temperature early, early Saturday morning accompanied by a lot of crying.  Fortunately, she was feeling better by Saturday night and it appears it wasn't passed on to her brothers.

In the most significant event, the babies made it Monday night with only one late nite feeding.  They ate at 800pm, slept until 2:00am when they ate again, and then held off until 7:15 am. The sun seemed brighter this morning as a result.  Unfortunately, Courtney does not get the same relief as she has to stay on a regular schedule for pumping milk.

The babies each have had a few monstrous spit-ups in the last week as they adjust to their increased intakes.  Cayden even shared the love with his Aunt Abby last night who is in town helping this week before going back to college. 

Austin is having more and more fun with his brothers and sisters.  The extra weight noted above is needed as they try to fend off his well intentioned advances.  He is always wanting to share some hugs and kisses and the occasional tickle.   He loves to call his sister Ryleigh Rooo, each time resulting in a smile from mom and dad.

Providing an enormous help with some delicious home made meals the last few weeks were Aunt MaryAnn, the Asburys, the Dosecks, the Nolls, the Burts, the Seigles, and Grandma Stangel.

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