Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weight Cheque

Today marked the three month birthday for the babies.  No cake, no ice cream, no party......just milk, lots of milk. Hard to believe 13 weeks have come and gone.

As of Friday, the trips weighed as follows:
Gabe  9 lbs, 3 ozs  (gained 24 ozs in 21 days since last doctor appt)
Cayden  8 lbs, 14 ozs (gained 19 ozs in 21 days)
Ryleigh   8 lbs, 11 ozs (gained 21 ozs in 21 days)

The next doctor appointment is Tuesday, August 9th.  At this pace of growth, the doctor should be very pleased.

We have been working hard this week so far to cut out one of the two night time feedings.  This is being done by gradually reducing the ounces they receive at 4:00am.  Hopefully, a week from now, we can report that they are down to one late night feeding. 

Our biggest adventure to date happened Saturday when we took the triplets to church accompanied by my sister Leslie and her two kids.   They did great, barely making a sound through the entire service (the triplets, not the Nolls). 

Austin went to Idle Hour Ranch with his grandpa at the same time.  Idle Hour
At this point in his life, he prefers goats to the Bible.

outfits by Carmen Canan

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