Monday, August 15, 2011

Moving On Up (to the Nursery)

Last I wrote we were starting to implement the new schedule that involved removal of one late night feeding.  It has gone okay and they have been on that schedule for 8 nights now.  Not as seamless as the prior reductions, as the stirring usually begins 530am-600am and sleep is choppy from then until the 8:00am feeding.

Our big event this week is the move from the living room / master bedroom, upstairs to their cribs in the nursery.  Night one, Sunday, was a partial success, as Ryleigh made it the whole night with no intervention.   Gabe made it, oh, about 3 and a half minutes before beginning to scream.    He has not been feeling the best the last day, so we decided not to push it and returned him to the familiarity of the living room, with mom or dad couch-side.  Cayden was somewhere in between, doing well betweem 900pm and 200am, but more fussy thereafter.  As I type, everyone has been up in the nursery sleeping well without intervention for the first 90 minutes tonight.  These babies are good at adjusting, and I am confident by the weekend, they will all be doing well in the nursery. 

Courtney and I took Austin to the miami county fair tonight.  He was able to see / pet pigs, goats, sheep, cows, rabbits, turkeys, ducks, and horses.  Courtney's mom braved and survived the trips while we were gone.

Last weekend went well as friends Lisa and Jason and their one year old Ryan spent the day and night Saturday with us helping with the babies and hanging out.    We also had the rare chance to go out to dinner Sunday night as Austin's babysitter, Courtney B., and her mom, came over and watched all four kids for a few hours.  We had a relaxing dinner at the local Japanese restaurant and even enjoyed a couple of much needed Sapparos. 

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