Friday, August 26, 2011

Heading for the border (Indiana.....not Mexico)

Long time between updates.....

When I last wrote, the trips had just started their transition up to the nursery.
It is going pretty well, the boys do well sleeping each night from 900pm until they eat at 300am., enabling Courtney and I to get a good block of sleep most nights.
They are fussy off and on from 400am to the 800am feeding though.

Ryleigh was doing the best for awhile sleeping in her crib, but has a very bad cold, so she has been sleeping in her car seat to help her breathe.  She has also been a major handful at some of her feedings, particularly the 800pm feeding.   She has her own little binge and purge routine going on....throwing up a big portion of her meal at 800pm.  We think it has to do with her severe cold.  Hopefully, she can put that behind her this weekend and we can get back to normal.

Courtney and I are heading out of town this afternoon for a 24 hour getaway to Indianapolis.  No big plans, just dinner and a night in a nice hotel to get some R&R.  Many people are pitching in to make it possible for the short trip, of which we are thankful. 

Hopefully some more updates, and pictures next week. 

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