Friday, August 12, 2011

A Mother's Perspective

We've had plenty of wonderful factual insights from Dad (thank you Jon!) - but it is about time for the Mother's perspective. And that of course means discussion of thoughts and feelings. As the babi3s are now over 3 months old, we are starting to get glimpses into their unique personalities.

Cayden is our resident cuddler and mover. He will wiggle his way to the side of the crib or next to a sibling, looking for a sense of security when he is napping. As the one who was in the middle of the heap before being born, he seems to have gotten used to always having someone nearby. He is also the 'old man' of the group. Not just because of being born first, but also because of the wrinkly forehead that is his favorite expression which dominates most pictures. His expression makes the observer think he has already lived through a lot. Having witnessed his brother and sister kicking his head during one ultrasound, I can see how he feels.

Gabe is the best napper. All of his 'beauty sleep' may be how he maintains his title as the largest of the three. Despite his size, he still doesn't have control of his limbs and has been known to land punches or kicks at unsuspecting siblings as he gets very excited to be free to blankets and bouncy seats. Like his little brother Cayden, Gabe loves tummy time. However, it often turns into an unplanned nap.

Ryleigh is awake the most, constantly watching what is going on around her with her big eyes wide open. Unfortunately this means she is taking in all of big brother Austin's mischeif and may account for all of her funny facial expressions as she watchs the chaos around her. Ryleigh will fight sleep in order to ensure that she doesn't miss any of the action. Ryleigh seems destined to follow in her Aunt Abby's footsteps as the 'sheriff' - the person who will ensure that no deed (particularly the bad ones) goes un-noticed. Speaking from experience, this is going to be disheartening to her brothers.


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