Wednesday, May 18, 2011

31 nights

According to my calculations, tonight will mark Courtney's 31st night sleeping at a hospital in the last 53 weeks,  as follows -

8 nights in May 2010 for Austin's surgery
1 night in March 2011 for issues pre-trips
3 nights in mid- April for issues pre-trips
17 nights in late April to mid-May for pre and post trips
2 nights so far in mid-May as the trips begin nursing

We are lucky that everything turned out okay in both instances, the number of nights just struck me as sort of amazing when you add them all up.   Her next time complaining about the above will be the first time. 
Austin and the trips are lucky to have such an amazing mom. 

Anyway, nursing is going okay.  It takes so much energy for a little four pounder to nurse that even a few minutes at a time is an accomplishment and good progress.  Overall, Gabe has been doing the best.  This is no surprise if you watch that boy work a pacifier. 

Current weights:
Cayden 4 and 3.5oz
Ryleigh  4 and 3oz
Gabe 4 and 2oz

I took Austin to MVH tonight to eat dinner and spend a little time with his mom between feedings.  Hopefully Courtney will be able to come home on Friday.

Oh yeah, the babies were moved to the infamous triplets room yesterday, so they are now back together again, albeit in separate incubators.

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