Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick Update - Mom and Babies

Courtney is doing much better this evening.  She just finished her IV and is free of wires now.  She had some serious pain this afternoon, but that has reduced some.  She was able to visit with the babies in NICU via wheelchair for 45 minutes around 5:00pm.  She has not really slept yet, so hopefully a good night of sleep awaits (hopefully shortly, because I cannot stomach Dancing with the Stars).   

The babies are doing well.  Cayden had his breathing tube removed around 6:00 and joined his baby brother and baby sister with a CPAP.   CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and is a type of respiratory support used in pediatric patients. In premature babies, CPAP is delivered through a set of nasal prongs or through a small mask that fits snugly over a baby’s nose. 

Each baby had a few bouts of apnea during the day.  The apneas are basically when they stop breathing because they forget to.  This can be caused because the brain is not fully developed in preemies.  It is common, and there is a good chance we will be dealing with this a lot in the days that follow.  They received caffeine to assist with the apneas. 

All grandparents, the great grandmothers, and Courtney's brother were able to visit with the babies today.

Thanks for the well wishes and prayers yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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