Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Bad and the Good

A quick recap of various events of the last few days -

Gabe and Cayden both have very sore butts which has them upset.  They have been hanging out in their incubators with their diapers undone, and at times, oxygen being blown on to their posteriors to help them heal.  Ryleigh is a lady and has not participated in such nonsense.

Unfortunately, Cayden had to go back on oxygen yesterday because he was having too many "events" i.e. forgetting to breathe.  At this point, they are not indicating an underlying problem....maybe just exhaustion from the bottle and nurse feedings this week.   Plus, he has a cold and is little nose is plugged at times.  While on oxygen, he can only gavage feed.  Definitely a setback, but hopefully only temporary.

There was talk about Gabe having his feeding tube taken out soon which would mean every meal would be bottle or breast.  This would be a major step forward.

Courtney and I took a CPR class for babies yesterday at the hospital. See link below if you want to learn.
Infant CPR Instructions

Sorry for the lack of updates, very busy at work, etc.  I will try to catch up more this weekend.

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