Thursday, May 5, 2011

Under the Lights

Another good day for the trips.  Although they all spent the day sunning themselves under the lights to stave off jaundice and some guy named Billy Ruebens, they ate well and seemed to progress.  The NICU nurses keep commenting and are amazed how they each are experiencing things at the same time, moreso than most multiples they see.  They each had a need to be put under the lights at the same time.....they each had to begin caffeine treatments at the same time for apneas.... and Courtney and I saw something firsthand that seemed a little amazing today along the same lines.  We were spending time with Gabriel when he had an event that set off an alarm...i believe it was a severe drop in his oxygen (or desat)....less than two minutes later we could hear an alarm from Ryleigh's room for the same issue.   Once they settled down, and we made our way to Cayden's room around the corner, we saw on his monitor that he had the same issue within a minute of the other two.  Now, having an event such as the above is not rare, and is expected in preemies (they each might have 5-10 a day), but having them coordinated at the exact same time, while mom and dad were there, seemed rather amazing to us. 

Court seems to be doing better, and even did a little walking today.  She spends much of her day pumping and making sure the babies have plenty of milk to drink through their feeding tubes.   It looks like Saturday evening could be when Courtney heads home.

Here is a good picture of Ryleigh sunning herself in the lights.

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