Sunday, May 8, 2011


We made it home last night around 6:30pm and was able to spend some time with Austin before bed.  He seemed happy to have mom and dad back together with him again.  He wouldn't fall asleep in his bed until I went up to lay with him (which he never does).  I think he just wanted to make sure we werent going anywhere in the middle of the night, again. 

Courtney is doing okay.  Still on frequent pain medication but getting better each day and doing a grear job satisyfing all the babies milk needs.  She got a good night of sleep.

Oh yeah......the triplets. 
Gabriel was removed from the lights yesterday.  Cayden and Ryleigh also improved and will be removed soon from the lights.  C&R also had their IV's removed after they had taken them out on their own multiple times.   With the lights and IV's gone, we can get back to holding and bonding with them. 

Yesterday was preemie reunion at MVH.  Over 1000 people (former preemies and family members) were scheduled to return to the hospital where they spent the first few weeks/months of their life for a bi-annual get together.  Preemies from recent years, as well as preemies that are now adults, return each reunion.  I'm sure it is something we will be doing in the future as certainly there is a strong bond with the doctors/nurses that are taking care of your kids 24/7.

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