Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Guest Blogger Ryleigh

Hello world!  Wow, what a week !   I am doing well.  Mom and dad fielded questions as to why I looked to be in more distress than the boys in the intial pictures.  It was all just timing.  I already had my CPAP when dad got the first good picture of me.  Gabe got his CPAP later so dad snapped the soccer kick picture of him pre-CPAP.   And then there is Cayden, he caused a fuss and was not breathing on his own, so they had to use a breathing tube right away, which while not ideal, makes for a more photogenic picture.  But don't worry about me, I was right there even with my brothers today getting my CPAP out.  I am breathing on my own and doing quite well.   To be honest, I consider myself more advanced...what with writing this blog on Day 2 of my life, while my brothers occupy their time blowing spit bubbles.  

Talk to you later. 

PS:  Big Brother Austin, be prepared, i'm coming for your toys very soon. 

1 comment:

  1. PS: Big Brother Austin, be prepared, i'm coming for your toys very soon, and all your guy friends in a few years.
