Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day.  You are an amazing mom to our four (!) kids. 

I remember all the sacrifices you made during Austin's pregnancy because of your related health problems.  You never complained once about the strict diet you had to observe, only focusing on what was best for Austin.  You happily endured weekly ultrasounds so they could closely monitor his condition.  When 40 weeks came, and given the option to deliver and provide some relief to yourself, you said no, why not wait longer if that is best for the baby.  I remember all the pain of breastfeeding the first few weeks, and you never giving up, because it was best for Austin.  A year later, you stayed at the hospital the entire time Austin was in for his surgery in May 2010, eight long days and nights at the hospital.  The whole time your only concern was his comfort and helping him get better. 

Then there is the triplets.....from the moment we both shed tears on December 13, 2010 when the ultrasound technician told us that we were having 1,2,3 babies, your focus has been on carrying them and bringing them into the world healthy and as far along as possible.  You did all of this while taking care of Austin, taking care of me, and succeeding at your incredibly stressful career.   So much was asked of you, and you did it all with a smile, and with never a complaint.  Finally, when your 5 foot 1 inch body couldn't take anymore, you happily checked in and out of the hospital several times, knowing it was the best place for the babies to continue to grow.   You spent many nights alone in the hospital, I'm sure scared and lonely, but choosing to send me home so Austin could have his dad put him to bed and wake him up in the morning, and also so that dad could get a good night of sleep.  

In my wildest dreams I never imagined I would have four kids, but I am happy I do, and blessed that you will be by my side raising them with me.

Happy Mother's Day

Jon (and Austin, Cayden, Gabe + Ryleigh)

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